PhD., Political Science, University of
MA., Political Science, Queen's University (
(with Honours), Political Science, University of
Muslim Women Activists in North America:
Speaking For Ourselves, edited K Bullock, Austin: University of
Rethinking Muslim Women and the Veil:
Challenging Historical and Modern Stereotypes,
International Institute of Islamic
Thought, 2002. Translated into French
and Turkish.
Chapters in Books
“Hijab and Belonging: Canadian
Muslim Women,” in Theodore Gabriel (ed), Islam
and the Veil,
“Religion as a Spring for
Activism: Muslim Women Youth in
Activism, forthcoming.
“Toward A Framework For
Investigating Muslim Women And Activism In Canada,” in Jasmin Zine, (ed)
Islam in the Hinterlands: A
Canadian Muslim Studies Anthology¸ forthcoming.
“Women, Gender and Political Participation and
Political Parties:
and Islamic Cultures, general
“Women, Gender and Identity Politics:
Cultures, general
“Women in the Middle East Are Not Generally Under-utilized
and Discriminated Against,” History
in Dispute: The
“The Middle East Does Not Exist,” History in Dispute: The
Lesch, Manly Inc, 2003.
“The Increased Number of Women in the Middle East Wearing
the Hijab Since the 1970s is a Sign of Some
of a “Return to Islam,” History
in Dispute: The
Lesch, Manly Inc, 2003.
Articles in Refereed Journals
Guest Editorial, with J. Zine, Special Issue, “Women and Islam,” The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 19, 4, Fall
“Toward the Full Inclusion of Muslim Women in the
Ummah: An Activist’s Perspective,” The
American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 19, 4, Fall 2002, 68-79.
Retelling the History of Political Thought,” The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 19, 1, Winter
2002, 29-49.
The Gaze and Colonial Plans for the Unveiling of
Women,” Studies in Contemporary Islam, 2, 2, Fall 2000, 1-20.
“Challenging Media Representations of the
Veil: The Contemporary Muslim Women’s Reveiling
Movement,” The American Journal of
Islamic Social Sciences, 17, 3, Fall 2000, 22-53.
“Media (Mis)Representations: Muslim Women in the
Canadian Nation,” with Gul J. Jafri, Canadian Woman Studies, 20, 2,
Summer 2000, 35-40.
Non-refereed Publications
Barber’s Jihad vs McWorld: Dilemmas
of Being a Muslim Teaching Assistant,” American
Muslim Quarterly, vol 2, no 1, Spring 1998, 121-127.
Veil: Women Writers on Its History, Lore, and Politics, Jennifer Heath (ed), Berkeley: University
2010, forthcoming.
Why the French Don’t Like Headscarves: Islam, the State, and Public Space, John R. Bowen,
Islam and Global Dialogue:
Religious Pluralism and the Pursuit of Peace, Roger Base, ed, Hants: Ashgate,
2005, The
American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 24: 1, Winter 2007.
Islamic Activism: A Social Movement Theory
Approach, Quintan Wiktorowicz, ed,
University Press, 2004. The
American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 22: 1, Winter 2005.
Caravanserai: Journey Among
Australian Muslims, Hanifa Deen, Fremantle: Fremantle Arts Centre
2003, The American
Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 21:3 Summer 2004.
Mirrors and Western Soothsayers: Nineteenth-Century Literary Approaches to
Arab-Islamic History. Muhammed A. Al-Da’mi,
American Muslims:
Bridging Faith and Freedom, M.A Muqtedar Khan,
The Veil Unveiled:
The Hijab in Modern Culture. Faegheh
Shirazi. University Press of
The Veil and the
Male Elite. Fatima Mernissi.
Finding Fran: History and Memory in the
Lives of Two Women. Lois
Development, Change, and
Gender in
“Canadian Muslim Women: The Hijab Experience,” Islamic Horizons, March/April 1998.
Sept 2005 – April 2009 Lecturer, POL 300Y5Y, The Politics of Islam, Department of Political Science, University of
Jan – April 2005 Supervisor,
Independent Study Project, Media and Islam, Department of Political Science, University of Toronto (St George Campus), Toronto, Canada.
Sept – Dec 2004 Lecturer,
POL 438 H, The Politics of Islam, Department of
Political Science, University of Toronto (St George Campus),
Toronto, Canada.
Sept – Dec 2003 Lecturer,
POL 438 H, The Politics of Islam, Department of
Political Science, University of Toronto (St George Campus),
Toronto, Canada.
Jan – May 2000 Lecturer,
PL SI 144T, Contemporary Politics in the Middle East and North
Africa, Department of Political Science, California State University, Fresno, USA.
Lecturer, SSCI 150T, Introduction to Islamic
Civilisation, Special Course, Division of the Social
Sciences, California State University,
Fresno, USA.
Supervisor, Independent Study
Project, HIST 190, Middle East History,
Sept 98 – Jan 99 Teaching Assistant, POL 208Y, Introduction to International Relations,
Department of Political Science, Professor David Welch, University of Toronto,
Sept 97 – Apr 98 Teaching Assistant, POL 108Y, Networks, Nations and Global
Politics, Department of Political Science, Professors Janice Stein and Ronald Deibert, University of Toronto,
Summer 1994 Teaching
Assistant, POL 200Y, Political Theory, (Plato, Aristotle,
Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke), Department of Political Science, St
George Campus, Professor Margaret Ogrodnick, University of Toronto, Canada.
Sept 93 – Apr 97 Teaching Assistant, 200Y, Political Theory, (Plato, Aristotle,
Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke), Department of Political Science, Erindale Campus, Professor Ronald Beiner, (1993 -1995), Professor Mark Lippincott, (1995-1997),
Sept 91 – May 92 Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Comparative Development.
Department of Political Science, Professor
Haideh Moghissi, Queen’s University,
Feb 90 – Aug 91 Teaching Assistant, POL 100, Introduction to Politics. Department of
Politics, Professors Campbell Sharman, Samina Yasmeen,
Jeremy Moon, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.
Other Professional
Work Experience
2008 – presently President, The
Tessellate Institute.
2003 – 2008 Editor, the American Journal of
Islamic Social Sciences.
2003 – 2006 Executive
Director, Education, Media and Community Outreach, The Islamic Society
2000 – 2003 Book
Review Editor, the American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences.
Summer 1995 Research
Assistant, Dr J Carens, Department of Political Science, University of
Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
1991 Research Assistant,
Dr Denemark, Department of Politics, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.
1990 Research
Assistant, Drs Moon and Sharman, Department of Politics, University of Western
Perth, Australia.
Professional Service
2005 – presently Vice President, The
Association of Muslim Social Scientists.
Feb – October 2008 Conference Co-Chair, with Dr Shireen Hunter, The Association of Muslim Social
Scientists, Annual Conference,
November 2007 Program Committee, The Association of Muslim Social Scientists, Annual Regional
Wilfred Laurier,
2003 – 2007 Editorial
2007 Election
Committee, The Islamic Society of
2005 Best Graduate Student Paper Committee,
The Association of Muslim Social
Scientists Annual Conference,
2004 Conference
Chair, The Islamic Society of
Feb – Aug 2003 Conference Chair, The
Association of Muslim Social Scientists, Annual Conference,
2003 Election Committee, The Association of Muslim Social Scientists.
1998 – 1999 Graduate
Association of Students in Political Science representative to the Faculty
committee on Political Theory, Department of Political
Science, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
1997 – 1998 Advisory
Committee member for a Project on “Muslim Women and the Media,”
funded by the Canadian
Government, (Status of Women,
1994 – 1998 Member,
User Advisory Committee, International Student Centre,
Conferences and Lectures
“Qualitative Research and Muslim Women,” Guest
Lecture, POL 455, “The Craft Of Political Research,”
“Muslim Women Activists in North America,” Fulbright
Symposium, Muslim Citizens in the West: Promoting Social Inclusion, the Centre
for Muslim States and Societies, University of Western Australia, 1-3 August
and Islam,” World Religion Class,
“Images of the Veil in the Media,” Brock University
Philosophical Society symposium, “The
Inner Life of Islam – and Outer
Introduction to Islam,” World Religions Class, Las
“The Gaze and Colonial Plans for the Unveiling of Women,” Association of Muslim Social Scientists’ Annual Conference,
the History of Political Thought,” American Political Science
Association’s Annual Conference, Washington, DC., October
1, 2000.
Politics of Veiling,”
“Challenging Media Representations of the
Veil: The Contemporary Muslim Women’s Reveiling Movement,” Association of Muslim Social Scientists’ Annual Conference,
“Why Some Muslim Women Find
Wearing the Veil Liberating,” Department of Political Science,
“The Contemporary Reveiling
Movement,” Department of Anthropology,
“The Politics of the Veil,” Department of Political Science,
“Muslim Women and the
Headscarf: Perceptions and Experiences of Wearing Hijab in
“Harriet Martineau: Forgotten
Foundational Social Scientist.” the Political Science Department,
“Reclaiming the Past: Women
Political Theorists.” Australasian Political Science Association’s Annual
Selected Community Lectures and Talks: 2004 - 2009
“Western Women Converts to Islam,” MSA Lecture,
“Challenges for a Female Muslim as a Canadian
Minority,” TARIC Symposium, “Muslims- A Minority in the Canadian Mosaic,”
Renaissance Hotel,
“Hajj and the New Year’s Resolution,” Hamilton
Islamic Association, Eid Dinner,
“Eid: A Time to Celebrate and Reflect,” TARIC Masjid
Eid Dinner,
Ban in
“Empowering Women: An Islamic Perspective,”
and the Media: Friends or Foes,” WAMY Youth Workshop,
“An Introduction to Islam,”
Rotary Club of
“Islam and Commonalities With Other Religions,” Interfaith panel, World
Religions Class, TLK High
“Islam and Democracy,” Islamic
Society of
“Media and Its
Impact on Youth Political Perspectives,” interfaith panel,
Selected Media Interviews and Panels, 2004 - 2008
Young Muslim Women,” Panelist, The Agenda,
Muslim Women and the Veil,” ‘Islam in Focus’ Talk Show Near90fm,
Veil,” Panelist, The Agenda, TVO,
“Muslims in
La Charia au
“Ees Tribaunaux
Islamiques Au
and Cosmetic Surgery, Panelist, Test of
Faith¸ Vision TV, 2004.
Fellowships and Awards.
International Student Differential Fee Waiver Scholarship,
Simcoe Special Fellowship,
Morgan Brown Fellowship, Queen’s University (1991-1992).
International Student Differential Fee Waiver Scholarship, Queen’s
University (1991-1992).
Australasian Political Studies Association Conference Travel Award,
Rotary Youth Exchange Scholarship,