Muneer Fareed
General, ISNA (2006 to present)
for all administrative operations of ISNA
for the operation of appropriate projects and development activities.
Human Resources
Maintain an
effective personnel system to support the hire, promotion, and professional development
of all employees.
Develop and
implement a formal personnel accountability structure
and maintain personnel assessment programs.
Maintain a
systematic wage and salary plan
Ensure that
all policies and procedures are in accord with federal, state, and local
government requirements
Ensure the
financial integrity of the institution
Ensure that
all financial transactions are conducted in accordance with generally accepted
accounting standards (GAAP), prudent judgment and within the framework of the
requirements of local, state and federal laws
Oversee an
annual financial audit.
Formulate work
plans and budget recommendations for annual approval by the Executive Council.
assess Secretariat activities, organizational structure and staffing
Review and
update all short and long term strategic plans aimed at achieving the mission
and goals of ISNA
· Oversee all fundraising activities,
identify resource requirements, research funding sources, and establish strategies
for donor management.
Public Representation
Ensure that
public relations are well organized, and conducted in a cost effective manner
· Represent ISNA at public, civic and other
organizational activities and meetings, as appropriate
· Serve as representative of the Executive Council
in all matters, except where otherwise
authorized by the Executive Council.
1996: Legal Reform in the Muslim World: Ijtihad and its Interpretation in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries. (Bethesda, 1996)
2005: >L-Suyuti, >l-Itqan fi `Ulum >l-Qur`an Brill Publishers (under review) 3 vols.
2001: Abu `Amr b. Al-Salah, Muqaddima Ibn al-Salah wa Mahasin
al-Istilah fi `Ilm Usul al-Hadith trans. E Winkel ed. M. Fareed. London:
Garnet Publishers. 2005
2001: Ibn Kathir, Ismail, Al-Sira Al-Nabawiyyah trans. T.
Le Gassick. ed. M. Fareed. London: Garnet Publishers. 1996. vol. ii, iii, and
Articles in
Refereed Journals and Encyclopedias
2006 AHanbalite Hermeneutics: Beyond Reason and
Between Texts@ in Muslim World 2006 (Hartford, 2006) (under review)
2006 AQuranic
Studies in South Asia: The Jew in South Asian Tafsir Literature@
in International Journal of Middle East Studies (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2006)
2005 ALaw: Modern Family Law: 1800-Present,
United States@ in Encyclopedia of Women in Islamic
Culture (Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2005)
2004 AAdhan@, AIjtihad@, AHalal@, ASalat@, and AWudu@.
In Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World. Ed. Richard Martin
(New York: Macmillan, 2004).
AIjtihad and the
Islamists@ Journal of
the United States Institute for Peace (2004)
2001 AIn Defense of
Taqlid: The `Ulama=s Response to
Islamic Legal Reform@ Journal of
Islamic Studies. University of Cape Town 21
2001 AAgainst Ijtihad@
in The Muslim World vol.91. No. 3, Fall 2001
Presented: Invited/Refereed
“The Interpretation of Koran: Transformation
of the hermeneutical process” University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri.
Law in the Secular Public Space” University of Florida, Gainesville
and Shiites: Towards a New Ecumenism” NYU, New York
Emulation as a source of Social Reformation in Islam@ Brown
University, Rhode Island
AIjtihad in
Modern Times@ United States
Institute of Peace. D.C.
AThe Afterlife
in Modern Theology@ Georgetown
University, D.C.
AThe Concept of
the Divine in Muslim History@ Georgetown University
2003 AMuslim Women in
the Greater Detroit Area@ WSU Omnibus Grant for Departmental Project
ISPU provides cutting-edge analysis and
policy solutions through publications, public events, media commentary, and
community research. Its multidisciplinary approach, in partnership with
universities and other research institutes, serves to build understanding and
create programs that effect lasting social change.
The Fiqh Council of North America traces
its origins back to the Religious Affairs Committee of the then Muslim Students
Association of the United States and Canada in the early 1960s. This Religious
Affairs Committee evolved into the Fiqh Committee of the Islamic Society of
North America (ISNA) after the founding of ISNA in 1980. As the needs of the
Muslim community and the complexity of the issues they faced grew, the Fiqh
Council was transformed into the Fiqh Council of North America in 1986.
ALIM is dedicated to empowering Muslims through
education. ALIM provides substantive knowledge in all relevant aspects of
Islamic Sciences but goes beyond these basic building blocks and teaches
critical thinking intertwined with the elements of true Muslim character as
applied to these subjects. This leads to basic Islamic Literacy which allows
for the development of empowered Muslims through meaningful discourse and true
intellectual and spiritual development