Curriculum Vitae


Mazen Hashem

3740 Paraiso Way

La Crescenta, CA 91214

(818) 541-1165


Objective:      Visiting Professor in Sociology

Academic Preparation

Ph.D. in Sociology – University of California, Riverside

                     Riverside, CA, June 2002



Minority Relations

Social Change

Dissertation:  Academic Knowledge from Elite Closure to Professional Service:
 The Rise of High Growth Fields in American Higher Education

Advisor:  Dr. Steven Brint


M.A. in Sociology – DePaul University,

             Chicago, IL 1989

Concentration:            Ethnic Relations

Thesis:          Acculturation of Children of Muslim Immigrants:
               Attitudes and Values of Weekend School Students

Advisor:  Dr. Charles SuChar


B.S. in Computer Information Systems– Devry Institute of Technology,

                                          Lombard, IL 1987

Concentration:            System Analysis


Current Research Interests

q      Muslim Communities in the West

q      Social Movements in an Era of Globalism

Teaching Areas

Social Movements, Global Sociology, Minority Relations, Inequality, Theory, and Research Methods

Professional experience

Adjunct Professor

American Society/Community
University of California, Riverside, CA, Spring 2003/Fall 2003

Cultural Sociology
California State University, Northridge, CA, Fall 2005; Fall 2006; Fall 2007

Introduction to Sociology
University of California, Riverside, CA, Summer 1997; Fall 2001
University of Southern California, CA, Fall 2007

Methods of Sociological Inquiry
California State University, Northridge, CA Spring/Fall 2005; Spring/Fall 2006; Spring/Fall 2007

Race and Ethnic Relations
University of Southern California, CA, Spring 2003; Spring 2004; Fall 2004; Spring 2005; Fall 2006; Spring 2007

Social Inequality
University of Southern California, CA, Fall 2004; Fall 2005; Fall 2006; Spring/Fall 2007

Social Movements and Collective Behavior
University of California, Riverside, CA, Spring 2005 

Sociological Theory
University of Southern California, CA, Fall 2003; Fall 2004; Spring 2005; Spring 2006
California State University, Northridge, CA, Spring 2006; Spring 2007

Sociology of Religion
University of California, Riverside, CA, Spring 2004

Publications In Sociology


“Asserting Religious Text in the Modern World: Muslim Friday Khutbas.” Forthcoming. The Muslim World, 2008.

“Contemporary Islamic Activism: The Shades of Praxis.”  The Sociology of Religion, Spring 2006, Vol 67:23-41.

“Becoming an Independent Field: Societal Pressures, State, and Professions.”  Higher Education, Spring 2006, Vol 54:181-205.

“Gauging the Attitudes of Arabs toward ‘America’: The Underutilization of Class.”  Arab Studies Quarterly, Spring 2005, Vol 27:65-73.

“Assimilation in the American life: An Islamic Perspective.” The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, Spring 1991, Vol 8:83-97.

Reviews and Reports

“Islamic Roots of Good Governance.” Arab Insight Vol. 1:63-71, 2007.

The State of the Islamic Centers in North America.  A report published by the ISNA Leadership Development Center (with Mohyeddin Kassar), 2005.

Business Education in the United States.  A report presented to the Social Science Research Council and the Sloan Foundation (with Steven Brint), 2001.

“Muslim Families in North America.”  Article Review. The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences 10:415-426, Fall 1993.

 “Four Works on Women in Islam.”  Book Review.  The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences 10:550-553, Win1993.

Research Manuscripts in Sociology

Social Capital and Educational Development: A Cross-national Comparative Study

Modernity and the Transformation of Social Ties: A Computer Simulation Model

Weber vs. Ibn-Khaldon on Social Change: A Computer Simulation Model

Identity Formation among Young American Muslims

Research Manuscripts in Islamic Studies/Muslim Societies

Islamic Thought

“Knowledge and Civilizational Context.”  1995. 

“Modern Social Sciences and Reductionism.”  1995.

“A Comprehensive Model of Social Change.”  1994.

“Is it a Religiosity or a Civilizational Problematique.”  1993. 

“The Claimed Neutrality of Modern Social Sciences.”  1989.

“The Evolution of the Islamic Theory in Government.” 1982.

Sharia’ Understanding

“Toward a Theory of Sitr.” 2007

“A Thematic Approach for the Admissibility of Hadith.”  2001.

“Pluralism and the Concepts of ‘People and Tribes.’”  2000.

“Equity in Islamic Inheritance and Dowry: A Financial Model.”  1999.

“Expanding the Concept of Sharia’ Goals: A Critique of al-Shatibi.” 1998.

Muslim Society and Institutions

“Curriculum Resource for Muslim Youth.”  2000.

“The Etiquette of Presentation: A Muslim Fundraising Dinner.”  1995. 

“The Dynamics of Conflict in the American Muslim Community.”  1994.

“The Effects of Host Family Background on the Effectiveness of Acculturation Programs Offered to Muslim International Students.”  1993.  Research Design.

“Attitudes of American Muslim University Students Toward Assimilation.”  1993.

“Weekend Schools’ Curricula: A Need for Change in Philosophy.” 1990. 

“Establishing Full-Time Schools for the Muslim Minority in America: Priorities Discussed.” 1990. 

“Challenges Facing the Muslim Immigrant.”  1988. 

“The Acculturation of Arab-Muslim Immigrants’ Children: The Case of Islamic Center Weekend School Students.”  Master’s Thesis, 1989.

“Curricular Problems in Teaching Arabic as a Second Language in Weekend Schools.” 1989. 

“The Transformation of the Huda Weekend School—An Organizational Study.” 1988. 

Position Statements

From an American Muslims to the Pope, 2006

The Danish Caricatures Affair, 2006

Non-Fiqhi Notes on Jumua’ Khutba and Imama by Women, 2005

Papers Presented at Islamic Studies Conferences

“Muslim Minorities in Muslim Societies: Inquiry into Projected Outcomes.”  Paper submitted to the 36th annual meeting of the American Muslim Social Scientists Cosponsored by the University of Maryland, College Park, MD. Oct 2007.

“Rekindling Souls: Friday Khutbas in Southern California.”  A paper presented at the 35th annual conference of the Association of Muslim Social Scientists, Cosponsored by Hartford Seminary, Hartford: CT, Oct 2006.

“Attitudes of Muslims toward America: Two Typologies.” A paper presented at the 34th annual conference of the Association of Muslim Social Scientists cosponsored by Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 30–October 2, 2005

“Social Capital, Civil Society, and the Question of Values.”  Paper presented at the 33rd annual conference of the Association of Muslim Social Scientists & George Mason University Center for Global Studies & Islamic Studies Program, Washington, D.C., Sep 24-26, 2004.

 “Civic Society, Values, and the Embarrassment of Social Sciences.”  A paper presented at the 22nd annual conference of the Association of Muslim Social Scientists, East Lancing, Michigan , Oct 2001.

 “Democracy and its Critics.”  A lecture at in the 8th annual conference of the American Center for Civilizational and Intercultural Studies, Chicago, Aug 10-12, 2001.

“Islamic Discourse in the Activist Trap.”  A paper presented at the 21st annual conference of the Association of Muslim Social Scientists, Washington, Oct 2000.

 “Development in Arab Countries: Can they Clone the South-Asian Experience?”  A lecture at the 7th annual conference of the American Center for Civilizational and Intercultural Studies, Chicago, Aug 18-20, 2000.

“The Dynamics of Intellectual Reform: An Institutional Perspective.”  A paper presented at the 28th annual conference of the Association of Muslim Social Scientists, Herndon Virginia, Oct 29-31, 1999.

“Contemporary Approaches to the Understanding of Islamic Law.”  A paper presented in the 6th annual conference of the American Center for Civilizational and Intercultural Studies, Chicago, Aug 20-22, 1999.

 “The Dynamics of Ethnic Relations: The Case of Muslims in the West.”  A lecture at the 5th  annual conference of the American Center for Civilizational and Intercultural Studies, Chicago, Jun 13-15, 1998. 

“Islamic Law Versus Civil Law: Toward a Conceptualization.”  A lecture at the 4th annual conference of the American Center for Civilizational and Intercultural Studies, Chicago, Aug 8-10, 1997. 

“Levels of Knowledge and Interculturation: Implications for Development and for the Islamization of Knowledge.”  A paper presented to the 25th annual conference of the Association of Muslim Social Scientists at Herndon, Virginia, Oct 25-27, 1996.

“The Goals of Sharia’: Toward a New Formulation.”  A lecture at the 3rd annual conference of the American Center for Civilizational and Intercultural Studies, Los Angels, California, Aug 16-18, 1996. 

“The Dynamics of Intellectual Reform: Preliminary Remarks.”  A lecture at the 2nd annual conference of the American Center for Civilizational and Intercultural Studies, Los Angels, California, Aug 16-18, 1996. 

“Three Approaches Toward Islamic Reform: A Critical Assessment.”  A lecture at the 2nd annual conference of the American Center for Civilizational and Intercultural Studies, Los Angels, California, Aug 12-15, 1995. 

“Modernity and the Islamic Discourse.”  A lecture at the 1st annual conference of the American Center for Civilizational and Intercultural Studies, Los Angels, California, Aug 22-25, 1994. 

“Islamic Activists and Intellectuals: A Call for Mutual Engagement.”  A lecture at the 1st annual conference of the American Center for Civilizational and Intercultural Studies, Los Angels, California, Aug 22-25, 1994.

“Islamic Reform in the Issue of Gender: Toward a Psycho-sociological Understanding of Nusus.” A paper presented at the 21st annual conference of the Association of Muslim Social Scientists, Oct 1992.

Papers Presented at Sociological Conferences

2006    “Neglected Dimensions in Ethnic Relations Explanatory Models.”  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, Studio City, CA.

2005    “Ethnic Relations Explanatory Models and the Question of Culture.”  Paper presented at the annual meeting of California Sociological Association, Sacramento, CA.

2004    “Becoming an Independent Field: Symbiosis Between Societal Trends, State, and Professions.”  Paper presented at the annual meeting of California Sociological Association, Riverside, CA.

2004    “Social Capital, Civil Society, and the Question of Values.”  Paper presented at the 33rd annual conference of the Association of Muslim Social Scientists & George Mason University Center for Global Studies & Islamic Studies Program, Washington, D.C.

2003    “Studying Attitudes Toward Global Conflict: The Underutilization of Class.”  Paper presented at the annual meeting of California Sociological Association, Berkeley, CA

2003    “Curriculum Change: An Institutional Critique of the Internalist and Resource Dependence Theories.”  Paper presented at the 74th annual meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, Pasadena, CA

2002    “Islamic Movements’ Discourse: A Framework of Inquiry.”  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Salt Lake City, UT

2001    “Friends of Foes? Luhmann and Habermas on the Theory of Law.”  Paper presented at the 96th annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Anaheim, CA

2001    “Social Capital, Educational Systems, and Development.”  Paper presented at the 72nd annual meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, San Francisco, CA

2001    “The Implications of Habermas’s Thought on Social-Psychology.”  Paper presented at the 72nd annual meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, San Francisco, CA

2000    “A Low-Intensity Conflict View of Inequality and Social Control.” Paper Presented at the 71st annual meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, San Diego, CA

1997    “State Breakdown: Comparing Demographic and Multidimensional Models.”  Paper Presented at the 68th annual meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, San Diego, CA

1996    “Social Movement Theories: A Scheme for Synthesis.”  Paper presented at the first Global Studies symposium, University of California, Riverside, CA

1996    “Social Movement Theories’ Levels of Analysis: The Invisible Links.”  Paper presented at the 67th annual meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, Seattle, WA


Cofounder of alHadara Center for Civilizational Studies

Member and Ex-Board Member in The Association of Muslim Social Scientists

The American Sociological Association

The Pacific Sociological Association


Received departmental grants for four consecutive years

Three High Passes in second Master’s Professional Paper

First Master’s Degree Awarded With Distinction





The following persons are familiar with my academic standing and can be contacted:

Steven Brint                (909) 787-2103

Professor, Department of Sociology

University of California, Riverside


Robert Hanneman      (909) 787-3638

Professor, Department of Sociology

University of California, Riverside


Jonathan Turner          (909) 787-4622

Professor, Department of Sociology

University of California, Riverside