Kutty, LL.B., LL.M., Faisal


Served as International Trial Observer at military trials of political prisoners in June 2007 in Cairo, Egypt at the invitation of human rights groups, the Egyptian Lawyers Syndicate and members of the Egyptian Parliament, the Peoples’ Assembly. 


● Legal Counsel to a coalition of twenty-seven civil and human rights groups which made submissions to the Canadian government on its recently implemented “no-fly” list known as the Passenger Protect Program. 


● Legal Counsel to a coalition of civil and human rights groups which made submissions to Parliamentary Committees on Canada’s Anti-Terrorism Act prior to its enactment and during its review.


● Legal Counsel to two interveners at the Commission of Inquiry into the Investigation of the Bombing of Air India Flight 182 and the Iacobucci Inquiry looking into issues of national security. 


● Legal Counsel to a number of the leading finance companies offering Islamic financial products and services in Canada.  Several of the major financial institutions and law firms have started to explore the Islamic finance market. 


● Consulted by the Ontario Attorney General’s office on changes to Hate Crimes laws, faith-based arbitration (Family Statute Law Amendment Act, 2005) and the Human Rights Code Amendment Act, 2006. 


● Have written and spoken extensively on anti-terror laws, national security, civil rights, human rights, intelligence/law enforcement accountability and oversight as well as state/community relations and interaction. 





Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) (candidate), 2006 – , Osgoode Hall Law School, York University.  Dissertation: Between Normalcy and Exception: A Comparative and Critical Analysis of Emergencies in Western and Non-Western Legal Systems. Supervisor: Trevor C. W. Farrow  (Assistant Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University).  Committee Members: Craig M. Scott (Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University; Director of the Jack and Mae Nathanson Centre on Transnational Human Rights, Crime and Security); Obiora Chinedu Okafor (Assistant Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University). 






Master of Laws (LL.M.), 2006, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University.  Specialization: Civil Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution: Major Research Project: The Shari’a Factor in International Commercial Arbitration (published in (2006), 28 Loy. L.A. Int.  & Comp. L. Rev.). Supervisor: Charles Gastle (Adjunct  Professor,

Osgoode Hall Law School, York University; Visiting Professor at Aix Marseille University in France; Director of the LL.M. program in international trade and competition law at Osgoode Hall Law School; Associate, Estey Centre for Law and Economics in International Trade). 


Bar Admissions Courses, 1995, Law Society of Upper Canada, Toronto, Ontario. 


Bachelor of Laws (LL.B., cum laude), 1994, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa.  Major Research Project: A Comparative Analysis of Human Rights in International Law and Islamic Law.  Supervisor:  Donald McRae (Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa; Member, International Law Commission; Hyman Soloway Chair in Business and Trade Law; former Dean of the Faculty of Law).


Bachelor of Laws (B.A., Incomplete), 1988 - , York University, Economics, Faculty of Arts.  Admitted to law school prior to completion of degree. 




work experience


Senior Partner, 2002 -, Kutty, Syed & Mohamed, Barristers and Solicitors, Toronto, Ontario.  Practice areas cover a broad range including constitutional, national security, non-profit/charity law, corporate/commercial, civil litigation, family, wills/estates, human rights and alternative dispute resolution.  Act for individuals and institutions caught up in national security investigations as well, including preparing submissions and appearing at hearings.  Legal counsel to a number of leading Islamic finance companies in Canada in structuring transactions and financial products and services in accordance with Ontario corporate and securities laws as well as Islamic law (Shari’a).


Consultant, 2006 -, Little Mosque on the Prairie, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC).  Script consultant on Islamic law, culture and practice for one of the highest rated sitcoms in Canada.


Principal Lawyer, 1996 -, Kutty & Associates, Barristers and Solicitors, Toronto, Ontario.  General practice including criminal, family, business, human rights and litigation.


Articling, 1994-1995, Goodman & Carr, Barristers and Solicitors, Toronto, Ontario. 


Researcher, 1993-1994, University of Ottawa/Certified General Accountants Tax Law Centre, Ottawa, Ontario.




teaching experience


2006-               Instructor         Skills and Professional Responsibility

                                                Law Society of Upper Canada, Toronto, Ontario


Feb.  20, 2007 Guest              “National Security and Discretion in the Justice  System”

 Lecturer          University of Windsor Law School, Windsor


May 20 , 2007 Guest              “Islamic Law: Sources and Methodology”

 Lecturer          Osgoode Hall Law School, Toronto, Ontario


Feb.  14, 2006 Guest              “National Security and Discretion in the Justice System”

 Lecturer          University of Windsor Law School, Windsor, Ontario


May 20 , 2007 Guest              “Islamic Law: Sources and Methodology”

 Lecturer          Osgoode Hall Law School, Toronto, Ontario


2001-06           Instructor         Corporate/Commercial Law, Bar Admissions Program

                                                Law Society of Upper Canada,  Toronto, Ontario


1997-98           Instructor         Legal Research and Writing, Osgoode Hall Law School

                                                Toronto, Ontario


1996-97           Instructor         Law Diploma Course, Richmond School of Commerce

                                                Toronto, Ontario




volunteer  positions


2007-               Member                          Ontario Premier’s Muslim Advisory Council

                                                               Toronto, Ontario


2001-               Board Member    Canadian Council on American-Islamic Relations

                        Vice Chair & Counsel      Ottawa, Ontario


1994-               Board Member    Canadian Muslim Civil Liberties Association

                        & Counsel                       Toronto, Ontario


1998-               Board Member                Social Services Association of North America

                                                               Winnipeg, Manitoba


1996 –05         Board Member    Human Concern International

                                                               Ottawa, Ontario



1996-99           Board Member    Bosnian-Canadian Relief Association

                                                               Toronto, Ontario


1996-97           Legal Advisor                 Ontario Government Small Business Center

                                                              Toronto, Ontario


1993-94           Book Reviews                Ottawa Law Review

                        & Articles Editor            Ottawa, Ontario


professional  affilliations  &  memberships


Of the Bar of Ontario, Law Society of Upper Canada, 1996 –


Member, Canadian Bar Association, 2002 -


Member, Canadian Council on International Law, 2003 -


Member, Canadian Association of Journalists, 2002 -




awards and scholarships


2007                                Maher Arar and Monia Mazig Award in Civil and Human Rights,

Canadian Muslim Network


2004                                Professional Excellence Award,

American Federation of Muslims from India (AFMI)


2003                                Community Service Award,

Toronto Community Resources Consultants (TCRC)


1990                                Dean’s Honour Roll, 

York University, Toronto, Ontario


1988                                Merit Award,

York University, Toronto, Ontario


1988                                Ontario Scholar Award,

Ontario Ministry of Education, Toronto, Ontario












Working Paper: “Canada’s Passenger Protect Program: Too Guilty to Fly, Too Innocent to Charge?” (January 31, 2007). Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=962797. Written as a submission to Transport Canada, being reworked as a chapter in a book on racial profiling to be published by the University of British Columbia Press.






1) Review of “The Constitution of Law: Legality in a Time of Emergency,” by David Dyzenhaus, 2006, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, forthcoming in the Windsor Review of Legal and Socials Issues.


2) “The Shari’a Factor in International Commercial Arbitration” (2006), 28 Loy. L.A. Int.  & Comp. L. Rev.  565.


3) Review of “Farce Majeure: The Clinton Administration’s Sudan Policy 1993-2000,” by David Hoile, (2001) American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, Volume 19, Number 2.


4) Review of “American Islam: Growing up Muslim in America,” by Richard Wormser, 1994,  Walker & Company, New York, (1997) Musl. World Bk. Rev., Vol. 17, No. 3, 39.


5) “Indian Muslims: Rebuilding a Community,” (1997) Journal Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs, Vol. 17, No. 1, 107.


6) Review of “The Politics of Islamic Resurgence: Through Western Eyes,” by Ahmad AbulJobain and Ahmad Bin Yousef, 1992, UASR. Inc.,  (1993) Islamic Studies 222.


7) Review of “Human Rights in Crisis: The International System for Protecting Rights During States of Emergency,”  by Joan M. Fitzpatrick, 1994, University of Pennsylvania Press (1994) Ottawa L. R. 253.




NON-ACADEMIC (A representative sample selected from over 200 articles)


The publications in which my articles on a broad range of topics have appeared in include (figure in bracket signify the number of articles): The National Post (8), Hamilton Spectator (8), Toronto Star (6), Ottawa Citizen (4), Montreal Gazette (3), London Free Press (2), Windsor Star, The Globe and Mail, Catholic New Times (5), Buffalo News, Al-Ahram (Egypt - 2), Arab News (Saudi Arabia - 4), Indian Express (India – 7), CA Magazine, Law Times (2), Lawyers Weekly (7), and The Catholic Register.  



1)      “No Fly Lists Provide a False Sense of Security,” The Toronto Star, May 15, 2007.


2)      “No-fly lists are an ineffective way to fight terrorism,” The Lawyers Weekly, April 2007.



3)      “Apologizing to Maher Arar: A Beginning, Not an End,” Jurist Legal News & Research, February 2, 2007.


4)      “Arar not the only one seeking answers,” The Toronto Star, September 18, 2006.


5)      “Good intentions not good enough: proposed changes weaken the enforcement powers of the Human Rights Commission,” The Toronto Star, June 26, 2006.


6)      “Federal Court of Appeal to rule whether U.S. Deserters are Refugees,” The Lawyers Weekly, May 15, 2006.


7)     “Faith-based arbitrations in Ontario: A lost opportunity,” The Lawyers Weekly, March 20, 2006.


8)      “Free Speech or Hate Speech?” The Lawyers Weekly, February 22, 2006.


9)      “Boyd's recommendations balance needs of religious communities with rights of vulnerable,” Lawyers Weekly, January 21, 2005.


10)  Sharia Courts in Canada: Myth and Reality,” Law Times, May 2004.


11)   “Globalizing the Harassment of Muslims – The Dirty Work of Canadian Intelligence,” Counterpunch, May 2004.


12)  “Government’s out to lunch on legal aid system,” Hamilton Spectator, August 8, 2002.


13)  “UN’s Human Rights Document Has Not Lived up to its Name,” Hamilton Spectator, December 13, 2000.


14)  “Too Many Mouths to Feed?” Al-Ahram (Egypt), October 20, 1999.


15)  “War Criminals Belong Behind Bars, Not at the Peace Table,” Catholic New Times, June 6, 1999.


16)  “City’s human rights task force lacks bite: Draft report off mark,” The National Post, March 29, 1999.


17)  “When Fear Becomes the Aftermath of Free Speech, then the Right is Lost,” The National Post, January 12, 1999.


18)  “Independent Investigation Needed in Just Desserts Case: Race Card Played,” The National Post, Nov. 21, 1998.


19)  “Hollywood’s View of Arabs, Muslims,” The Toronto Star, September 21, 1998.


20) “Sanctions are Killing the Children of Iraq,” The Toronto Star, May 19, 1998.


21)  “Islamic Law Meets Western Finance,” CA Magazine, September 1995.


22)  “Islamic Finance and Canadian Law,” Law Times, July 1995.


23)  “Employment Equity Law Crucial for Inclusiveness,” The Ottawa Citizen, June 15, 1995.




invited  presentations  &  lectures

(Law Related Since  2002)



1) “Through the Looking Glass: An Examination of Racial Profiling in Canada”
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives,  Toronto, ON,  October 16, 2007


2) “Canada’s No-Fly List a Legal Critique”

Canadian Arab Federation Policy Conference

City Hall, Toronto, ON, Jun. 16, 2007 



3) “Multiculturalism and Canada”

Osgoode Hall Law School of York University, Toronto, ON, May 20, 2007


4) “After Arar: A Workshop Series on Security Intelligence and Human Rights – Community-State Relations  and Canadian Intelligence Activity”

Panel Discussion with Inspector Wayne Hanniman (Royal Canadian Mounted Police Community), May Farrales (B.C. Committee for Human Rights) and Chaired by Professor Craig Scott (Osgoode Hall), Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Toronto, ON, Feb. 21, 2007


5) “National Security and Discretion in the Justice System”

Panel with Chief Justice Allan Lutfy (Federal Court of Canada) and Jasminka Kalajdzic

University of Windsor Law School, Windsor, ON, Feb. 20, 2007


6) “Law and Your Faith”

University of Toronto Law School, Toronto, ON, Nov. 1, 2006


7) “Social Harmony: Prosperity in a Competitive World”
Symposium: Investing in Canada: Its People; Its Government; Its Public Service - Panel Discussion with the Hon. Donald H. Oliver, Q.C. and Wendy Grant-John
Association of Professional Executives of the Public Service of Canada ( www.apex.gc.ca )
National Arts Center, Ottawa, ON, May 30-31, 2006

8) “Shari’a: Sources and Methodology”

Guest Lecture, Part Time LL.M. Program, Osgoode Hall Law School, Toronto, ON, May 6, 2005


9) “The Prophet Mohammed Cartoons - Political Provocation or Freedom of Speech? "
Osgoode Hall Law School, Toronto, ON, March 22, 2006

10) “An Overview of Discretion and Its Implications for Access to Justice”
Panel Discussion with Chief Justice Allan Lutfy (Federal Court of Canada)
University of Windsor Law School, Windsor, ON, Feb. 14, 2006


11) “Shari’a Law: Myths and Facts”

New Democratic Party of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man., Jan. 21, 2005


12) “National Security and the Canadian Mosaic

University of Regina, Regina, Sask., Nov. 28, 2005


13) “The Policing of Migration and Immigration: National and International Perspectives

The Tenth International Metropolis Conference, Toronto, ON, Oct. 19, 2005






14)Perspectives on the London Bombings

Panel Discussion with Prof. Margaret MacMillan (UofT), Prof. Ebrahim Moosa (Duke Univ.) and Jonathan Kay (National Post), Noor Cultural Center, Toronto, ON, Aug. 5, 2005


15) “The Viability of Shari’a-based Arbitration”

Canadian Arab Federation 2005 Annual Conference, Toronto, ON, June 18, 2005


16) “Legal Remedies for Hate and Discrimination

Conference Against Hate and Racial Discrimination, St. Paul’s Univ., Ottawa, ON, May 7, 2005


17) “Is there Room for Women’s Equality Rights in Religious Arbitration?”

Canadian Council of Muslim Women, Status of Women Canada, Rights and Democracy, Canadian Women’s Foundation,  and Change Canada Foundation, Toronto, ON, April 9, 2005


18) “National Security and Civil Liberties: Are they incompatible?"

Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, April 5, 2005


19) “Anti-Terror Laws and Racial Profiling

York Federation of Students, York University, Toronto, ON, March 16, 2005


20) “Post 9/11 Policing and Racial Profiling

Temple Har Zion, Jafari Centre and The Mosaic Group, Toronto, ON, Jan. 30, 2005


21) “Keeping the Faith: Alternative Dispute Resolution in Ontario's Faith Communities”

University of Toronto Student Affairs Office and the Faculty of Law Diversity Committee

St. George Campus, Toronto, ON, Nov. 18, 2004


22) “Minority Rights in a Pluralistic Society

North American Federation of Muslims from India, 14th Annual Conference Keynote Address

Toronto, ON, Sept. 25, 2004


213) “Islamic Law: An Overview

York University, Toronto, ON, April 16, 2004


25) “Navigating Discrimination: Rights of Foreign Airline Passengers in the U.S.

Students for Global Justice, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, March 18, 2004


26) “Islamic Rules of Inheritance and Ontario Law

Queens University, Kingston, ON, Jan. 2004


27) “The Changing World: The War on Terrorism and Civil Liberties

Keynote Address, Annual Meeting, Community Resources Consultants of Toronto (CRCT)

College Street United Church, Toronto, ON, Sept. 30, 2003


28) “The War on Terror: A Legislative Overview

ICCO Community Centre of Ontario, Toronto, ON, July 19, 2003


29) “Canadian Family Law: a Primer

Seminar on Family Issues, Oakville, ON, April 17, 2003


30) “Legal Issues in Social Work

Conference on Family and Social Services, Oakville, ON, March 2, 2003






31) “War and the Erosion of Rights

Symposium on the Long Term Implications of War in Iraq, Canadian Friends of Sabeel, Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives (KAIROS), and the Near East Cultural and Educational Foundation (NECEF), University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Feb. 20, 2003


32) “The Canadian Jihad: Canadian Muslims Post 9/11

Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Jan. 31, 2003


33) “The Changing World: The War on Terrorism and Canadian Muslims

Students Union, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON, July 2002


34) “From Civil Liberties to Foreign Policy Impact on Canadian Muslims

Islamic Society of North America 28th Annual Convention, Toronto, ON, May 17, 2002


35) “Defending Civil Liberties After 9/11

Other panellists included Prof. Ed Morgan and Prof.  Sharry Aiken

University of Toronto Law School, Toronto, ON, Oct. 15, 2002


36) “Hate Crimes: Legislation and Legal Remedies

Conference on Hate Crimes, Centre for Research-Action on Race Relations (CRARR)

Montreal, PQ, March 21, 2002 to March 22, 2002








1) Professor Donald McRae

Professor of Law and Hyman Soloway

Chair in Business and Trade Law

Faculty of Common Law

University of Ottawa

57 Louis Pasteur St., #340

Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N5

Tel: (613) 562-5800 x3304

Fax: (613) 562-5124

Email: Donald.McRae@uottawa.ca



2) Professor Charles Gastle

Adjunct Professor and Director

LL.M. Program in International Trade

and Competition Law

Osgoode Hall Law School

York University, 4700 Keele Street

Toronto, Ontario, M3J 1P3

Tel:   (416) 361-3319 ext 222

Fax:  (416) 361-1530



3) Professor Trevor C. W. Farrow

Assistant Professor

Osgoode Hall Law School

York University, 4700 Keele Street

Toronto, Ontario, M3J 1P3

Tel:   (416) 736-5420

Fax:  (416) 736-5736



4) Professor Obiora Chinedu Okafor

Associate Professor

Osgoode Hall Law School

York University, 4700 Keele Street

Toronto, Ontario, M3J 1P3

Tel:   (416) 736-5043

Fax:  (416) 736-5736