Aisha Y. Musa                   





Harvard University                                                                            Cambridge, MA

            Department of Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations

Doctor of Philosophy: Arabic/Islamic Studies, June 2004

Portland State University                                                                 Portland, OR   

Master of Arts in Teaching: General Arts & Letters: Arabic & Applied Linguistics, August 1992

Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellow, 1991-1992

Portland State University                                                                  Portland, OR

Bachelor of Arts: International Studies, 1990

Certificate:  Middle East Studies, 1990





Hadith as Scripture: Discussions on the Authority of Prophetic Traditions in Islam, Palgrave-Macmillian, 2008


"Al-Shafi'i, the Hadith, and the Concept of Duality of Revelation," Islamic Studies, vol. 46, issue no.2, (2007) 163-215.

Encyclopedia Entries:

"Incest in Islam," in The Encyclopedia of Love in World Religions. Edited by Yudit Greenberg. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2007.


"Islam and Violence," In The Encyclopedia of Reliigon and Violence. Jeffrey Ian Ross. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe. (in press).


"Teachers in Islam," in The Encyclopedia of Love in World Religions. Edited by Yudit Greenberg. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2007.


Works in Progress:



Recording Knowledge: A Critical Translation of al-Khatib al-Baghdadi's Taqyid al-'Ilm (in progress)

Book Chapters:

" ....A Thousand Years, Less Fifty: Toward a Quranic View of Extreme Longevity,"  in Religion and the Implications of Radical Life Extension. Edited by Calvin Mercer. Palgrave-MacMillian, 2009 (under review).




Fight in the way of God those who fight you, but do not aggress…: Principles of Just War according to the Qur’an” (in progress).


Jizya: Toward a Contemporary Understanding of a Historically Problematic Term” (in progress).


We have made you nations and tribes...: A Qur'anically Based Vision of Multiculturalism and Inter-Religious Relations” (in progress)


"By the Pen: The Qur'anic Concept of Written Knowledge" (in progress)




Florida International University                                                        Miami, FL

            Department of Religious Studies


Assistant Professor

Islamic Studies

            Developing and teaching courses for undergraduate and graduate students.

            Current Courses taught:

Islamic Faith & Society introduces students to the historical development and ideological foundations of Islam and to the basic beliefs and practices of Muslims from the time of Muhammad to the present.  (offered for undergraduates)


Interpreting the Qur’an: Gender & Jihad introduces students to the history, interpretation and translation of the Quran through a close examination of passages relating to issues of gender and jihad. (offered for graduates and undergraduates)


By the Snorting Chargers: Muslim Ideas of War, a Perspective for National Security acquaints students with the history and development of Islamic laws of war and Muslim concepts of just and unjust war in order to provide a framework in which to better understand and address contemporary events. (offered for graduates and undergraduates)


Women in Islam provides students with a deeper understanding of the position of women in Islam through an examination of the teachings of the Qur'an, looking at both traditional interpretation and the contemporary reinterpretation.  The primary texts for the course are the Qur'an and current writings by Muslim women. (offered for undergraduates)


Hadith: Voice of the Prophet familiarizes students with the position and history of Prophetic Traditions (Hadith) in Islam and with classical Islamic and Western Hadith studies. (offered for graduates and undergraduates)


Classical Arabic covers the grammar and vocabulary necessary for developing the ability to read classical texts. (offered for graduates)


Religion: Analysis and Interpretation introduces students to the academic study of religion and to the basic beliefs and practices of a number of world religions. (offered for undergraduates)         

University of Miami  


Affliated Faculty                                                                    Miami, FL

            Master of Arts in International Administration Program

            Co-teaching INS 513 Information and Communication in International Relations: Culture and Religion, an overview the world religions and cultures as a backdrop of effective communication for international professionals.  The study of comparative religions and cultures will make students aware of special challenges in international and intercultural communication, and the role of mass media in international relations.

Boston University                                                                              Boston, MA    

            College of Arts & Sciences Writing Program



WR 100 Writing Seminar: Heritage of the Near East

Teaching writing in a seminar format designed to help students read challenging works with comprehension and critical discernment, write about them with integrity, persuasiveness, and a lively sense of style, and speak their mind with the degree of eloquence appropriate to the occasion

Harvard University                                                                            Cambridge, MA


Teaching Fellow

Elementary Modern Standard Arabic

Teaching reading, writing, speaking and listening to undergraduate and graduate students

Harvard University                                                                            Cambridge, MA


Teaching Fellow

Intermediate Classical Arabic

Teaching grammar and reading to undergraduate and graduate students

Harvard University                                                                           Cambridge, MA


Teaching Fellow

Intermediate Classical Arabic

Teaching grammar and reading to undergraduate and graduate students

Master’s Thesis Supervision

As Chair:

Viviana Moreno. "Neo-Traditionalism As A Response To Globalization Processes Among Young Educated Muslims In Northern Africa." M.A. Department of Religious Studies, FIU. (completed October 2005)


Alex Albert. "Jesus in Islam." M.A., Department of Religious Studies, FIU (December, 2008, projected).


As Reader:

Iyad Awadallah. "Islam, Civil and Political Rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights." M.A. International Relations Department, FIU (completed March, 2006).


Ahmad Muttaqin. "The Christianization and Islamization Discourses in Modern Indonesia:  A Struggle for Representing Power." M.A. Department of Religious Studies, FIU (completed July, 2005).


Shamsul Maarif. "Indigenous Strategy for Religion-Cultural Survival: The Ammatoa of Sulawesi, Indonesia."  M.A. Department of Religious Studies, FIU (completed June, 2005).

Doctoral Advising

Member of Doctoral Committee:

Gonul Tol. "A Comparative Study of Islamist Movements among Turks Residing in Germany and the Netherlands." Department of Political Science, FIU (completed July, 2008).


Alla Mirzoyan. “Armenia’s Foreign Policy, 1991-2004: Between History and Geopolitics.” Department of International Relations. (completed November, 2007).


Patricia Salahuddin. "Character Education in a Muslim School: A Case Study of One School’s Curriculum." College of Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, FIU (December, 2008, projected).




Baku International Forum:                                                                Baku, Azerbaijan

Expanding the Role of Women in Cross-cultural Dialogue


Keynote address: “We have made you nations and tribes...: A Qur'anically Based Vision of Multiculturalism and Inter-Religious Relations”

Brandeis University:                                                              Waltham, MA

Abraham Joshua Heschel Centenary Conference


            Lecture: "Sharing the Legacy of Abraham." 

Middle East Studies Association

            11/2006                                                                                   Boston, MA

            Conference Paper: "Hadith after God and His Ayat:      An Examination of Challenges to the Authority of the Hadith."




United States Southern Command                                                    Miami, FL


            Training Seminar on Islam


            Adisory Meeting on Islam

Anatolia Cultural Center                                                                   Ft. Lauderdale, FL



            Interfaith Dialogue Dinner                                 


Grants and Awards:


            Florida Humanites Council

            Seminar:  "Is There Room at the Inn? The Layering of Scripture - The The Torah, the Qur'an, and their Commentaries on a Place for 'The Other' in the Holy Land."  To be held March 6-7, 2007, Florida International University, Miami FL


Related Professional Activities:


International Institute for Islamic Thought                          Herdon, VA



            Summer Institute for Scholars: Contemporary Approaches to the Qur’an and Sunnah.

Foundation for the Study of Abrahamic Religions               San Diego, CA


            Executive Member

            Consultant on Hadith Literature and Research


Television Appearances:


WPBT/Channel 2                                                                               Miami, FL


            Panel Member

            Viewpoint: Justifying War through Religion?


            Panel Member

            Viewpoint: Understanding Islam and the Sunni/Shiite Conflict


            Panel Member

            Viewpoint: Pope Benedict XVI


            Panel Member

            View Point: Zionism as Expressed in Religious Texts




            Panel Member

            ViewPoint: The Holy Land

Bridges TV



            Women of Courage


Professional Affliations:


            American Academy of Religion

            Middle East Studies Association of North America

Association of Muslim Social Scientists




English, Arabic; reading knowledge of Persian, French, German