Jahan Stanizai

Los Angeles, CA



With academic training in English Literature, Law and Clinical Psychology, Dr. Stanizai is currently in private practice in Los Angeles, California, as a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and have been in the field of clinical psychology since 1998.


In her legal capacity, I have represented many under privileged individuals before administrative law judges in labor, unemployment, disability and immigration hearings.


Her social interests and efforts has been geared towards cross-culture understanding and building bridges among diverse cultural communities and have lectured in this area in many Southern California as well as National  Educational institutions.


She has been a member of the Culver City Interfaith Alliance (CCIA) since 2001 and has served as President of this community organization since 2006.  CCIA was formed in Southern California in 1998 in an effort to increase interfaith understanding among various religious communities living in Southern California and to organize and perform effective community social services such as mental health centers, homeless shelters and food banks for the needy to name a few.